This is the time to think freely. This is the time to think as hard as you can of what you can give away to your prospects for free. If you can possibly give away your product or service for a limited time, you have a good chance to habituate your prospects to your offering and a great chance to prove your service superiority. The idea behind this strategy is: give your prospects an ownership experience for free.
If you can enable your prospects to feel like your customers, you’re acting just like a marketer. You’re in business because you offer a product or service that delivers desirable benefits. You’re in business because you’re better than many of your competitors. You’re in business because you want to earn hefty profits consistently.
You are able to surpass customer satisfaction and allow those who patronize your business to experience customer bliss. They can tell how conscientious you are by means of your follow-up, by the way you pay attention to details in their life and business. Customers are as contented as customers can get.
That’s why you must give serious consideration to transforming all of your prospects into customers. If they won’t do it by purchasing what you have to offer, regardless of your investment in marketing, perhaps they’ll purchase what you have to offer if they first can try it at absolutely no cost. If they have the experience of owning what you offer, they’ll understand the advantages of being your customer. And then, they’ll be far more likely to actually make the purchase.
This means that your prime marketing investment will be your freebie. It will be a limited time use of your product or a limited time use of your service. You’ll be giving those valuable things away for free, risking that you’ll get nothing in return. But if you’re confident in your quality and service, that risk is minimized.
Of course, you can always give gift certificates, brochures, free consultations, free demos, free seminars, free tours and a wealth of free information on your Website.
In addition to these, Marketer are creative in dreaming up what they might give for free. Of course, many advertising specialties such as calendars and scratchpads, mousepads and ballpoint pens are emblazoned with their names and theme lines, but exercise extra creativity as well.
The highest form of that creativity is displayed when they give for free what they ordinarily sell. HotMail attracted more than ten million customers for its free email service. Now, that service is supported by advertising. By ending each free email from the sender with an offer for free email for the recipient, HotMail used word-of-mouse to the ultimate.
It’s true that some bozos will sign up for your freebie and then you’ll never hear from them again. But many customers will be so impressed by your quality and service, your caring and dedication, that they’ll end up making the purchase you want them to make. Many will become lifelong customers, making you forget those free-loading bozos entirely.
The investment of your free product or service for a limited time must be measured against your current marketing investment. But if you’re marketer, your quality and service must prove more than anything you can ever say in a marketing context. Your customers truly enjoy being your customers. Now, they know why you are so confident in your offering. Nothing can substitute for an actual ownership experience.
I realize that all companies cannot give what they sell for free, not even for a limited time. But if you can see daylight in giving your offering for free, you might lift your marketing to the highest level while forming bonds that might otherwise have never been established.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Thinking Freely
Diposting oleh Supriyanto di 12:20 AM
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